Website Kickoff
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Company name
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First name
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Last name
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Let us know what email address to send your estimate, and it'll be in your inbox by the time you refill your coffee!
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Do you want to build a new website, or redesign an existing site?
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How many unique pages will your website have?
(Example: all blog posts count as one unique page. Same with all products since they use the same page layout)
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Do you have complete design mock-ups ready, or will we be designing and building?
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How much of the site content/assets do you have ready? (Images, Logo, Text Content etc.)
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What is the time-frame for this project?
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Will this site have advanced featured like E-Commerce (Store), User Registration/Membership, or Podcast?
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Why do you need to design or redesign your website?
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What goals do you want your website to achieve?
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What is the function of having a website for your brand?
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What will visitors accomplish on your website?
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Who is your target audience?
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What keywords are potential customers typing into Google to find your services? Please provide 5 - 10 examples.
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How will you measure success?
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When analyzing your competitors’ sites, what do you like and not like about their websites?
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What specific features do you want on the site?
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Who are your main competitors?
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What makes you different from your competitors?
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What information/pages currently on the site is crucial to keep?
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What is Your Budget?
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